Getting ready for HBF Run For A Reason 2019

Hello, I am glad that you are here checking out my page and thinking about making a positive change for yourself.

For starters, I am an over 40’s mom with a young child.  My family and I moved from the United States to Perth, Western Australia in 2011.  We settled in Cottesloe, WA knowing all of three people.   Fortunately, Perth is a wonderfully friendly and family oriented place to live.   Because of the lovely openness of the people who live in Perth, we were able to form friendships and strong bonds very quickly.

I have an immense appreciation for the fact that great things happen in small steps, with each step opening and enlightening the path to the next.  I created LEAP n2u Fitness because I believe that movement and exercise are the portals to achieving everything that you want in life. A lifestyle that includes consistent challenging exercise is the foundation for everything else great in life.

My goal is to get you moving better, feeling better, living better and believing; so that you start taking the steps towards YOUR great things!

A Brief BackStory

I have always been drawn to being active and working out, especially lifting weights.  In high school, weight lifting became my mental break, my Zen.  Later, when I had to work to get through College I took a position at a frozen yogurt shop.  I quickly became a shift supervisor. I also quickly became overweight and unhappy. I found myself emotionally eating.  I would volunteer to go hide in the back to cut the brownie topping so that I could sneak a few bites. The highlight each busy night became planning what flavour yogurt I was going to combine with what toppings.  OOF!  I was also stressed out and angry while at work and found little joy in my schoolings.

My saving grace was quitting that frozen yogurt job to take a position as a receptionist at a local gym. The hours were terrible, starting at 5:15 AM!  But I took it anyway because I saw it as my chance to change.  I soon found that I loved the job!  I loved the people and I loved the atmosphere.  Better yet, I was able to workout!

I confess, once I started my new job, it took me awhile to actually start working out.  Believe it or not, I was embarrassed and self-conscience.  I worked at the gym a whole month before I finally forced myself to actually work out.  That first step was all I needed.  It didn’t take long before I was working out almost every day.  I felt great, I was the leanest I have ever been, I was happy. Because of my early work shift, I fell asleep in physics class a little to often; but you know…overall, my life had improved dramatically!

This turn of events made me realize that I need regular exercise in my life.   I needed it then and still do, if nothing else, for the emotional lift that it gives me.  I also soon came to appreciate that I need it to keep my body active and prepared for spontaneous playing and fun!  A ski weekend or a trip to the beach is a lot more fun when you have been looking after yourself.  The need to keep fit is even more apparent for me in my 40s, as I now have to keep up with my 5 year old everyday!

Many years have passed since the frozen yogurt days.  I have had many more occasions in my life where fitness has had to take a back seat.  Times that were stressful or that didn’t seem to have room for “selfish” things like “working out.”  The thing that we have to remember is that these stressful periods in our lives are the times that we need to take care of ourselves the most.  It is the LEAST selfish thing that we can do.

Why am I a Personal Trainer?

I am a personal trainer because I want to help others achieve a balance in their lives with fitness.  With today’s pressures, starting a new fitness program can be daunting.  Keeping a healthy lifestyle can be challenging.  Getting back into healthy habits or making a fresh start after an illness, injury, weight gain, having a child or a long interruption, can be tough.  I want to share that it is possible to come back from these difficult times.  I want to help you create a roadmap to your success and for being your best.

Tammy shares an open hearted personal story about why LEAP n2u came to be and why LEAP n2u Fitness in Mosman Park, WA might be the right Movement Coaching and Personal Training option for you.

Watch this video to hear little more about what drives me as a coach and trainer.

My Qualifications

I am a registered personal trainer with Fitness Australia and carry professional insurance.  I am a certified instructor with ViPR and Hyperwear Sandbells.  I have training in Myofascial Movement Therapy plus Myofascial Release and Freeing.  I am a certified Group Power and Group Ride fitness instructor.  I am First Aid and CPR Certified and have a Working with Children Check Clearance Card.